Pickup Plan Information Now Available in ESS

We have added a new feature to ESS that allows you to view your current pickup plan information. Please review your information for accuracy and notify STRS Ohio if updates are needed.

To access your information, click on “Pickup Plan Information” in the Additional Tools menu on the ESS home page. View instructions.

Please review the employee groups covered, plan type, percentage being picked up and effective date.

  • If the total pickup percentage is less than the current 14% member contribution rate and/or the effective date is not July 1, 2016, or later, new plan documentation is needed.
  • If any information is not accurate, email new plan documentation to [email protected]. Necessary documents include a Notification of Employer Pickup of Employee Contribution form and a certified copy of the applicable school board resolution or action.

Visit the Employer Reporting section of our website for detailed information about pickup plans. If you have questions, please call the STRS Ohio Employer Reporting Department toll-free at 888‑535‑4050 or email [email protected].