Death of a Spouse
Death of a spouse revokes a previously filed beneficiary designation and invokes the statutory succession:
- Spouse
- Qualified Children
- Non-qualified children (share equally in a withdrawal of the STRS Ohio account)
- Dependent parent, if monthly benefits are elected
- Parents (share equally in a withdrawal of the STRS Ohio account)
- Estate
Beneficiary information can be updated through your Online Personal Account by selecting “Member Information” at the top of the page and then under “Change Beneficiaries” select “UPDATE MY BENEFICIARIES.” Click here to log in to your Online Personal Account. This information can also be updated by completing and returning the Beneficiary Designation, or by contacting the Member Services Center toll-free at 888‑227‑7877 (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.). For more information about survivor benefits, please refer to the Survivor Benefits brochure.