Service Retirement Benefit Estimate Calculators
Defined Benefit Plan
Under the Defined Benefit Plan, your retirement income is determined by a calculation that uses your age at retirement, years of service credit and final average salary (FAS) — the average of your five highest salary years. You are eligible for a retirement benefit upon meeting age and years of service credit criteria.
Defined Contribution Plan
Under the Defined Contribution Plan, your retirement income is based on contributions to your account, the performance of the investment choices you select and the annuity rates (or interest rates) at retirement. You are eligible to annuitize your account balance at age 50 or later upon terminating employment.
Combined Plan
Under the Combined Plan, you receive separate retirement benefits paid from the defined benefit and defined contribution portions of the account. You are eligible for a lifetime monthly benefit from the defined benefit portion at age 60 with at least five years of qualifying service credit. This benefit is based on your total years of service credit and final average salary (FAS) — the average of your five highest salary years. Upon retirement, you may begin distributions from your defined contribution account at age 50. This benefit is based on contributions to your account, the performance of the investment choices you select and the annuity rates at retirement.