Selecting a Plan of Payment
Plans of Payment Available
To plan successfully for retirement, it is important to be familiar with your payment options and to consider your financial needs in retirement.
Further details about plan of payment options are provided below and also in the Understanding Your Retirement Plans of Payment Options video.
Your considerations should include:
- Your health and age at retirement
- The need for survivor benefits
- Availability of other financial resources
- Anticipated financial obligations
- Reemployment opportunities
- Potential Social Security benefits
- Whether or not you are obligated under a court order to select a plan of payment that provides a continuing monthly benefit to a former spouse after your death
At retirement, you must select a plan of payment from among several different actuarially equivalent plans. All plans provide you with lifetime benefits but vary in the benefits provided to survivors. If you are married, please review the spousal consent requirement below.
If a court order requires you to leave a continuing monthly benefit to a former spouse or spouses upon your death, you must submit a copy of the court order to STRS Ohio with your Service Retirement Application. Any amounts payable due to court orders must remain in place during the lifetime of that beneficiary.
There are three basic plans of payment and a Partial Lump-Sum Option Plan.
- Plan I — Single Life Annuity
- Plan II — Joint and Survivor Annuity
- Plan III — Annuity Certain
- Partial Lump-Sum Option Plan (PLOP)
As you read this section, it may be helpful to refer to the online Service Retirement Benefit Estimate Calculator which will allow you to estimate monthly benefits under the different plans of payment.
Benefits Calculator
The benefits calculator has been created to help you estimate your retirement benefits.
Read the instructions below or click here to go to the benefits calculator now.
- Complete each request-for-information field.
- To move from field to field, use the tab key or single click on the field box.
- The date of birth fields must include month, day and year in the following format:
Month — Enter a numeric value from 1 to 12.
Date — Enter a numeric value from 1 to 31.
Year — Enter a four-digit numeric value (e.g., 1980).
- The years of service fields should be completed in the following manner:
Contributing — Enter your number of years of contributing service at the time of your anticipated retirement.
Noncontributing — Enter the number of years of noncontributing service credit you have purchased or will purchase prior to your retirement.
- Enter your projected final average salary at the time of your expected retirement. (Final average salary is the average of your five highest years of Ohio public earnings.)
- Single click on the “Calculate” button. The benefits calculator will compute an estimate of projected retirement benefits. If an error message appears, follow the instructions for correcting the error.
- Click the “X” in the left-hand corner of the window to close the calculator.
Plan I — Single Life Annuity
The Single Life Annuity plan provides maximum monthly benefits for your lifetime. This plan does not provide continuing monthly payments to a survivor.
At your death, if your total benefit payments were less than your contributions, your remaining contributions will be paid to your beneficiary. It takes approximately two to three years of retirement benefit payments to exhaust member contributions. After monthly retirement benefit payments have exceeded member contributions, nothing is payable to a beneficiary.
If you choose a Single Life Annuity plan at retirement and later marry, you may change your plan to a Joint and Survivor Annuity with your new spouse as beneficiary within the first year of your marriage. This is the only circumstance in which you may change a Single Life Annuity plan.
A copy of your marriage certificate must accompany the application to change to a Joint and Survivor Annuity. The new selection is effective on the date the application is received by STRS Ohio and the new benefit amount is paid beginning on the first of the next month.
Plan II — Joint and Survivor Annuity
Under the Joint and Survivor Annuity, you will receive a reduced lifetime monthly benefit. Upon your death, one or multiple primary beneficiaries receive lifetime monthly benefits. There are four options under this plan of payment:
- Options 1, 2 and 3 apply to a single primary beneficiary (see below).
- Option 4 applies to multiple primary beneficiaries (see below).
Under this plan of payment, if your primary beneficiary predeceases you and, if at your death, the total monthly benefit payments were less than your contributions, your remaining contributions will be paid to your secondary beneficiary.
Single primary beneficiary
- Option 1:
Upon your death, the primary beneficiary receives the same monthly benefit you received. - Option 2:
Upon your death, the primary beneficiary receives one-half the monthly benefit you received. - Option 3:
Upon your death, the primary beneficiary receives a specific dollar amount or percentage that you designate. The amount you designate must be at least $50 per month and cannot exceed 100% of your benefit.
If the primary beneficiary is not your spouse, the Internal Revenue Service may limit the percentage of the benefit that you can designate to this person. Contact STRS Ohio for additional information on these limitations.
Under these three Joint and Survivor Annuity options, there are two basic choices.
With reversion: If you select this choice, you may revert to the Single Life Annuity plan of payment if:
- Your beneficiary dies before you. A copy of the death certificate must accompany the application to revert to the Single Life Annuity plan. The effective date of the new benefit amount is the first day of the month following the beneficiary’s death.
- Your marriage to the beneficiary terminates, provided that you have written consent from your former spouse or the appropriate court documentation authorizing such a change. The new selection is effective on the latter of the date the application is received by STRS Ohio or the date of divorce. The new benefit amount is paid the first of the next month.
Also, if a Joint and Survivor Annuity with reversion is selected and a non-spouse is named at retirement and you later marry, you may reselect your spouse as the new beneficiary within the first year of the date of your marriage.
Without reversion: With this choice you may never revert to a Single Life Annuity payment. Neither the plan of payment nor the primary beneficiary may be changed after retirement. You maintain this plan of payment even if your beneficiary dies or your marriage to the beneficiary terminates.
With Options 1 and 2 you can select a guarantee feature that provides benefits to a secondary beneficiary for a specific number of years from your retirement date. A guaranteed period is provided at no cost based on the age of both you and your beneficiary. You may extend the guaranteed period by taking a reduction in your monthly benefit amount. The guaranteed period may be any number of years up to an actuarially determined maximum and is selected when applying for retirement.
If both you and your primary beneficiary die before the end of the guaranteed period, a monthly benefit is paid to the secondary beneficiary for the remainder of the guaranteed period. If you name more than one secondary beneficiary, a lump-sum payment representing the present value of the remaining payments is divided equally and paid to the beneficiaries.
If the secondary beneficiary is a legal entity such as a trust, charity or church, a lump-sum payment of the present value of any remaining payments will be made.
If you or your primary beneficiary outlive the guaranteed period, benefits continue for your lifetime and the lifetime of your primary beneficiary, but the secondary beneficiary would not receive benefits.
Multiple primary beneficiaries
- Option 4: Members may elect to provide continuing lifetime benefits for up to four primary beneficiaries under a Joint and Survivor Annuity. You may specify percentages of your benefit or a flat dollar amount for each beneficiary; however, the total payable to all beneficiaries cannot exceed the amount payable to you.
For example, upon your death, one beneficiary could continue to receive 30% of your benefit, while a second could continue at 20%, and a third and fourth could continue at 10% each. Your benefit will be reduced based on the ages of the beneficiaries and the amount of the benefit provided to each beneficiary. The percentages designated to beneficiaries do not have to equal 100%.
Unless directed by a court order, you cannot provide a benefit that is less than 10% of the benefit you will receive. If a beneficiary is not your spouse, the Internal Revenue Service may limit the percentage of the benefit that you can designate to this person.
At your death, monthly benefits will be paid to the beneficiaries you designated at retirement. If a beneficiary dies before you, contact STRS Ohio to increase your monthly benefit by the amount of the reduction taken for that beneficiary. Benefit amounts payable to the other beneficiaries after your death will not change.
If you select this choice, you may change your plan of payment only if:
- One of the beneficiaries is your spouse and your marriage terminates, provided you have written consent from your former spouse or the appropriate court documentation authorizing such a change. The new selection is effective the latter of the date the application is received by STRS Ohio or the date of divorce. The new benefit amount is paid the first of the next month.
- All beneficiaries are non-spouses and you get married after retirement. Within the first year of the date of your marriage, you may reselect a plan of payment with your new spouse as beneficiary. You may retain up to three beneficiaries you selected at retirement; however, the total monthly amount payable to all beneficiaries at your death cannot exceed the monthly benefit paid to you.
Plan III — Annuity Certain
The Annuity Certain plan provides monthly benefits for your lifetime. In addition, your beneficiary receives benefits for a specific number of years from your retirement date. The guaranteed period may be any number of years up to an actuarially determined maximum and is selected when applying for retirement.
If your death occurs before the guaranteed period ends, your beneficiary receives the same monthly benefit until the guaranteed period expires. If you name more than one person as beneficiary, a lump-sum payment, representing the present value of the remaining payments, is divided equally and paid to the beneficiaries.
If the beneficiary is a legal entity such as a trust, charity or church, then a lump-sum payment of the present value of any remaining payments will be made.
If you outlive the guaranteed period, benefits continue for your lifetime but the named beneficiary would not receive benefits.
If you choose the Annuity Certain plan at retirement, you cannot reselect a different plan after retirement. However, you may name a different beneficiary for the remaining years on the guaranteed period.
Partial Lump-Sum Option Plan
The Partial Lump-Sum Option Plan (PLOP) allows you to take an amount from six to 36 times the monthly Single Life Annuity (SLA) benefit in a lump sum at retirement. The PLOP must be elected in $1,000 increments, unless the minimum or maximum amount is selected. Monthly benefits still begin with your retirement date and are payable for life, but they are reduced to reflect the amount taken up front in a single payment. A plan of payment for your lifetime retirement benefits — Single Life Annuity, Joint and Survivor Annuity or Annuity Certain — must be selected for determining the remainder of your lifetime benefits.
Spousal Consent
If you are married on your benefit effective date, your spouse must consent to your selection if you have chosen one of the following:
- Plan I — Single Life Annuity
- Plan II — Joint and Survivor Annuity
- Providing your spouse with less than one-half of the benefit, or
- Providing benefits for a non-spouse beneficiary.
- Plan III — Annuity Certain
- Partial Lump-Sum Option Plan (PLOP)
- Any plan that includes a PLOP payment.
Your spouse may consent to your selection of any of these plans by signing the spousal consent that is part of the Service Retirement Application before a notary public.
Without spousal consent, you will receive a Joint and Survivor Annuity with one-half to beneficiary (with reversion) and no PLOP payment.
Spousal consent is not required if:
- You are required to elect a plan of payment pursuant to a court order and your current spouse is also a beneficiary under that plan to receive a survivor annuity of at least 50% of the remaining available survivor benefit if less.
- You are required to provide an amount to a former spouse or spouses pursuant to a court order or orders that is the maximum amount payable in a Joint and Survivor Annuity plan of payment.
Changing a Plan of Payment After Retirement
After retirement, the opportunity to select another plan of payment depends on the plan chosen at retirement. Only certain circumstances allow this opportunity, as noted below. You should keep these circumstances in mind as you select your plan of payment at retirement.
Single Life Annuity
If you choose a Single Life Annuity plan at retirement and later marry, you may change your plan to a Joint and Survivor Annuity with your new spouse as beneficiary within the first year of the date of your marriage. This is the only circumstance in which you may change a Single Life Annuity plan.
A copy of your marriage certificate must accompany the application to change to a Joint and Survivor Annuity. The new selection is effective on the date the application is received by STRS Ohio and the new benefit amount is paid beginning on the first of the next month.
Joint and Survivor Annuity With Reversion
If you select this choice, you may revert to the Single Life Annuity plan of payment if:
- Your beneficiary dies before you. A copy of the death certificate must accompany the application to revert to the Single Life Annuity plan. The effective date of the new benefit amount is the first day of the month following the beneficiary’s death.
- Your marriage to the beneficiary terminates, provided that you have written consent from your former spouse or the appropriate court documentation authorizing such a change. The new selection is effective on the latter of the date the application is received by STRS Ohio or the date of divorce. The new benefit amount is paid the first of the next month.
Also, if a Joint and Survivor Annuity with reversion is selected and a non-spouse is named at retirement and you later marry, you may reselect your spouse as the new beneficiary within the first year of the date of your marriage.
Joint and Survivor Annuity Without Reversion
With this choice you may never revert to a Single Life Annuity payment. Neither the plan of payment nor the primary beneficiary may be changed after retirement. You maintain this plan of payment even if your beneficiary dies or your marriage to the beneficiary terminates.
Annuity Certain
If you choose the Annuity Certain plan at retirement, you cannot reselect a different plan after retirement. However, you may name a different beneficiary for the remaining years on the guaranteed period.
Account Withdrawal Option
Upon termination of public employment in Ohio, you may elect to withdraw your account. It is important to understand that withdrawing your STRS Ohio account is not a type of service retirement. Withdrawal of your account will cancel your STRS Ohio membership, your accumulated service credit and your eligibility to qualify for STRS Ohio retirement benefits. You will also lose access to health care coverage if eligible.
Account Withdrawal Restrictions
You cannot withdraw your STRS Ohio account if you are:
- Under any form of teaching contract including substitute teaching with an STRS Ohio contributing employer;
- Under any type of verbal or written agreement for future teaching with an STRS Ohio public employer under the retirement law;
- On a leave of absence;
- In the STRS Ohio Defined Benefit Plan and terminated your employment in an STRS Ohio-covered position but are now working with the same employer in an Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS) or School Employees Retirement System (SERS) position;
- Currently receiving a monthly service retirement or disability benefit from STRS Ohio; or
- Currently contributing to a college or university alternative retirement plan. Only a transfer of STRS Ohio funds to the alternative retirement plan is permitted.
Spousal Consent on Account Withdrawal
If you are married and meet the age and service requirements for retirement, you can withdraw your account only if your spouse consents to the withdrawal by signing the withdrawal application before a notary public. If your spouse does not consent, your application for withdrawal shall be considered an application for service retirement paid as a Joint and Survivor Annuity with one-half to beneficiary with reversion.
Monthly Payments vs. Account Withdrawal
Plan Feature | Monthly Payments | Account Withdrawal |
Lifetime monthly benefit | Yes | No |
Survivor benefits | Yes | No |
Access to health care coverage* | Yes | No |
Cost-of-living adjustments** | Yes | No |
Direct control over funds | No | Yes |
Possible rollover to a qualified plan | No | Yes |
Possible tax penalties | No | Yes |
Death benefits*** | Yes | No |
Possible investment costs | No | Yes |
Individual investment risk | No | Yes |
Subject to reemployment guidelines for Ohio public positions | Yes | No |
Note: Any payments you receive from STRS Ohio may affect your eligibility for Social Security benefits. For more information, contact Social Security toll-free at 800‑772‑1213.
*Currently, members must have at least 20 years of service credit to qualify for coverage.
**New STRS Ohio benefit recipients are eligible to receive a COLA beginning on the fifth anniversary of their retirement date. The State Teachers Retirement Board will periodically evaluate whether a cost-of-living increase is payable in accordance with the law in effect at that time (Section 3307.67, Revised Code). If a COLA is granted, you will receive it on the anniversary of your retirement date.
***Defined Benefit Plan retirees have a $1,000 automatic death benefit with the option to purchase an additional $1,000 or $2,000.
Withdrawal Amount
The withdrawal amount consists of your contributions plus an additional amount payable under Section 3307.563 of the Revised Code (R.C.). The additional amount payable is based on years of qualifying service credit* and the rates of interest established by the Retirement Board. Interest rates are subject to change. For current interest rates, contact us toll-free at 888‑227‑7877.
- With 5.00 or more years of qualifying service credit*, interest at a current rate of 3% compounded annually will be paid on your teaching contributions and an additional amount equal to 50% of the sum of your member contributions**, plus interest, will also be paid.
- With at least 3.00 years but less than 5.00 years of qualifying service credit*, interest at a current rate of 3% compounded annually will be paid on your teaching contributions.
- With less than 3.00 years of qualifying service credit*, interest at a current rate of 2% compounded annually will be paid on your teaching contributions.
Interest for all years withdrawn begins to accrue at the beginning of the fiscal year following deposit. For example, interest on 2024–2025 contributions would begin accruing July 2025 and be payable August 2025 or later. No interest is payable if a member withdraws his or her account in July and contributed to STRS Ohio for only the year just ended. Interest stops accruing the month before account withdrawal.
*When referring to withdrawals, "qualifying service credit" refers to Ohio teaching service, restored withdrawn credit, purchased service for Ohio public teaching from which no STRS Ohio contributions were withheld, and credit obtained for leaves of absence under Section 3307.77 of the Revised Code.
**The additional 50% match only applies to Ohio teaching service, restored withdrawn credit to the extent the amount paid to restore the credit also includes matching funds, and credit obtained for leaves of absence under section 3307.77 of the Revised Code.
Important Tax Considerations
If you choose to withdraw your STRS Ohio account, there are important tax implications.
If you choose to have your withdrawal paid directly to you:
- Your payment will be taxed in the year in which it is issued.
- STRS Ohio will withhold federal tax at a rate of 20%.
- If you receive the payment before age 59-1/2, you may have to pay a 10% tax penalty for an early withdrawal.
You may roll over your withdrawal amount to an eligible retirement account that will accept your rollover and:
- Your payment will not be taxed in the current year and no taxes will be withheld.
- The funds rolled over will be taxed when removed from the account to which they were deposited.
Beginning in the year you reach age 73 or terminate employment, whichever is later, a certain portion of your payment cannot be rolled over because it is a “required minimum distribution” that must be paid to you. STRS Ohio can tell you if your payment includes amounts that cannot be rolled over.
There are other tax implications if you withdraw your STRS Ohio account. Review our Account Withdrawal brochure and consult a professional tax advisor for more information. STRS Ohio cannot provide tax advice.
Account Withdrawal Procedures
You can complete and submit your Application for Withdrawal Payment online through your Online Personal Account. Log in and click on “Apply for Account Withdrawal” under Useful Links. Follow the instructions for completing the application. If you do not have an Online Personal Account, click here to register for one.
Your withdrawal payment will be made within 30 days of STRS Ohio’s receipt of a properly completed application or your last payroll date, whichever is later. If you have questions about completing the application, or would like a printed version of the application, please call STRS Ohio at 888‑227‑7877 (toll-free).